This may just sound like a cool title for a song and a pretty melody... But in reality this is what I taught as I grew up "Big Girls Don't Cry". Even though I watched my mom cry growing up, to me it always symbolized
weakness. I grew up thinking, "if I cry, people are going to take advantage of me, they are going to think I'm weak." Therefore, for many years I grew up hiding my tears from the world... Crying alone in my own pain. My exterior was a "tough rocker girl" who could care less about the world! But when I was alone I would cry myself to sleep, not knowing if there would ever be someone who could wipe away my tears.
As I grew up I started believing, with movies, books, song & magazines, that the only person who could wipe away my tears would be my boyfriend. It was only that person who loved me that would understand and wipe away my tears with a kiss... and it all sounds so romantic and beautiful. But relationship after relationship I realized that guys did not and could NOT understand why I cried!
This only made me feel more and more self conscious of my tears and not only that but it made me feel extremely vulnerable towards anyone I loved. I did not have many girl friends
or women around at this point, I was determined to find someone who could wipe my tears away.
As I started making girl friends here in college, I only then started realizing that they all cried! They were all like ME! That all we ever wanted was for someone to come along side us and tell us it was all going to be o.k. More than anything I learned that God wasn't disappointed in me when I cried, and all He wanted to do was to hold me close and tell me everything was going to be o.k. :) All he wanted to do was to take my tears and turned them into joy. He didn't want me to cry alone but He wanted to love me and turn my tears into joy. All He wants is to see me smile to wipe away my tears and reassure me that He has amazing plans for my life.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Now, every time I cry i know that not only I am NOT alone, that I have someone to wipe away my tears, that He has amazing plans for my life... But that I have a hope that at the end of this tunnel... I will always be able to smile.
"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy..." Psalm 30:11