... Six years ago I gave my life to Christ... It was six years ago that I heard the message of His LOVE for me and I accepted it in my heart, looking for something more I guess... Looking for something bigger than the life I had. But it wasn't until a month ago that I understood; that I comprehended HIS sacrifice for ME! His... LOVE

Yes, a Love that NEVER failed me. A Love that was and is always there. God SO LOVED ME! that he gave, to me, his most precious and beautiful possession for me. He saw him suffer, He saw him beaten, cursed at... and thought of me, and didn't give up. So that he could talk to me... so imperfect, so impure, so insecure, so lost, so scared. It's not about anything I've done, or anything I've said, or intended to do. But what HE did FOR ME.
Maybe, you've heard this message and words 1,000's of times... But think about THE LOVE SACRIFICE. That no matter who you are, or what you've done, all he wants to do is to have a relationship with you... He wants you to get to know Him, so he can walk with you. So he can love you. For such a long time I wondered WHY did God create me!?! Why do I have to go through this earth? Why do I have to walk on these problems, on all of this crap???
But now I can see what a privilege it is to be created by Him, to be LOVED by Him. So now, I can take the eyes OFF myself and LOVE others, and give HOPE to the hopeless, to see the unseen, to hear the unheard, to speak to the unspoken... To Love the unloved.

"For God so LOVED the world (YOU AND ME) that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
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