Hello New Zealand! This is my first stop in my 16 hour trip. It is 46 degrees cold, just got off the plane and I'm absolutely TIRED!I didn't sleep very well, and I have to wait for 7 hour in this Airport... :S But on the bright side, I'm so much closer to my final destination than ever before, Sydney, Australia. Well, some facts, New Zealanders are SUPER nice, but very quiet people, everything in this airport is so silent, even those who sit in a bar watching a Rugby (I hope I spelled that correctly) game, are absolutely silent. Totally different from an American airpot, and ABSOLUTELY different from Miami, where people don't talk, they scream. Besides that, such beautiful views of landscape out the window, and well, I have to give them prop's, it is indeed one of the most beautiful airports I've ever been to. So far so good, and off to take a nap...
thats cool.... i hope ur having fun! ;) gotta put some pictures of new zealand and stuff, dont forget! hope you have a safe flight to sydney. God bless!
Hello! :)
My name is Emanuel and I've thought about going to Hillsong College for some time now.
I've searched some on their website for info but I haven't got all I need.
So I wondered if you could help me out?
My E-mail is mr.bosson@gmail.com
Feel free to drop an E-mail if you'd like :)
God bless!
/Emanuel Bosson
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