This picture captivated me... So lost in God. How can I be so lost in God? Sometimes I find myself thinking about that man that one day will rescue me from this world and make me happy forever. But God asks me to find my joy in Him, to find my beauty in Him, to find myself in Him. Only then should a man find me.
It's been 9 months since I've been single; actually the longest time I've been single since I turned 15. For 5 years I have taken the guy's place and pursued them instead of allowing them to pursue me. My thought has always been, "Guys don't have the guts to ask me out? I'm not gonna wait around for them to find the courage, I'm gonna take what I want." Not a very lady-like way to look at things... completely robbing myself from being pursued and robbing guys from the privilege of fighting for his treasure.
I have a friend who likes this guy and they have been talking for a while and my comment has always been "Why don't you just ask him if he likes you?" and her answer has always been, "Because if he really likes me, he should pursue ME." I have to admit that every time I hear a comment like that, it shakes my beliefs in relationships. He should pursue her? But what if he doesn't? What if she waits her whole life and he never does? What if he, what if, what if, what if? ... "Then he's not right for her" But God, then how? how?! How do we know??? I can hear the desperation in my thoughts... "What if no one is willing to pursue me?!"... and then the tender voice I dread to hear says... "Faith. I already have someone for you."
There is a treasure that lies right in the core of your heart, a treasure so pure and beautiful that should only be given to a man who is willing to fight for it, a man who is willing to search for God to find You. And girls I'm preaching to the choir, I'm still yet to understand this myself. But for some reason, deep within me I know this to be true... It crushes every understanding and experience I've EVER had in relationships, but it makes more sense than any of it.
There are two truths in the picture above; 1. A girl's heart needs to be always seeking God and 2. Men should always seek God. Only then should a man find a girl's heart. Her treasure.
Understand that God doesn't command us to be perfect, You don't have to be perfect to seek for God, you just need to look for Him. For His truth. For His unfailing Love.
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