One of my housemates has a boyfriend overseas; they had only just started dating when she moved to Australia. Therefore they haven't be able to have dates together; so he decided to plan a surprise date for her. He went all out! He sent her a package with flowers, her favorite food (she could cook here), a playlist of their songs, her favorite tea, a scented candle with her favorite smell and a video with her sister going to buy everything. As she opened the package they would Skype and have a date together while they ate and shared their time together... and the last surprise... He had a ticket to fly out to Australia in August to spend time with her; He had worked his butt off to buy this ticket...
As I sat around with the girls listening to her story I realized it was the first time I was listening to a romantic story first, NOT wanting to share how my ex-boyfriend was cute too and second, NOT completely jealous that I didn't have what she had... I was literally so excited to see God's blessing over her life with this amazing guy who is HEAD OVER HEELS for her. I am a witness of this girl's love and commitment to God in every area of her life. Because of this I feel like God is smiling at her obedience and patience; and just blessing her with this amazing guy who is going to love, respect, protect and care for her.
Watching the video he had made for her I couldn't hold back the tears, not because I was sad that I didn't have that but just expectant to see who God has for me. Expectant to see what pretty things he'll do for me and moments we'll share together. However, I know that it is not my time yet. I still have to wait patiently on the Lord and for the first time I'm not in a rush. I don't want him to be in my life now, I just want to keep falling more in love with Christ; allowing him to mold me, to shape me and to prepare me to be the woman my husband will be proud to be with. Not saying that I'm not worthy, but not ready to receive my blessing yet.
Once a friend told me, "We all want the PERFECT partner in our lives, we pray for them and we just expect them to come along just as we want them. But we are not willing to work on ourselves. We want them to accept all of our faults and imperfections. We should also be working on ourselves to be the best person we can be for our future partners." And I think he is so right! This is a season to work on me, to learn about myself, to allow God to shape me, to be all I can be to offer my husband.
I don't know when he's going to come along or how the relationship is going to work. But I do know that as long as both our hearts are searching for God, everything else will fall in place.
"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act." Psalm 37:7 (NLT)
WOW julie!! :) this just made my night even BETTER! ....OH MY GOODNESS, you have no idea how much that means to me...i'm so thankful for how God is able to work in such amazing ways like that...it makes me SO SO happy...and excited and anticipating for you as you dive into an amazing love relationship with God, waiting on Him for His perfect time for the man of your DREAMS ;) HE WILL BLESS YOUR PATIENT HEART...believe me! i know exactly where you are at! :) that verse is one of my favorites ;) love you so so much !
Psalm 27:14
love always,
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